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FAW Goalkeepers, C Certificate - Caersws Football Club - Starts 8 June 2024

Price: £550.00 / £375.00

  • Region: Central Wales
  • Location: Caersws Football Club
  • Course Start Date: 8th June 2024
  • Course Time: 09:00 - 17:00 (Practical Days) & 18:00 - 20:00 (Online Webinars)
  • 4 spaces available

  • Course Dates

    8th June 2024 (Practical, 09:00)9th June 2024 (Practical, 09:00)29th June 2024 (Practical, 09:00)30th June 2024 (Practical, 09:00)
  • Webinar Dates

    17th June 2024 (18:00 - 20:00)24th June 2024 (18:00 - 20:00)


This course gives coaches who have completed the FAW Goalkeepers Award the opportunity to develop their skills and progress along our coach education pathway.

Those who complete the course will learn about planning, preparation and reflection of their sessions and develop a better understanding of the technical, tactical, physical, psychological and social requirements of modern goalkeepers.


Coaches will be supported through practical and theory work as well as on-course mentoring sessions and distance learning.


The course is designed to look closer at the technical mechanics of the goalkeeper and how coaches can positively affect performance.

Course Fee

Please only select the discounted rate if eligible via two of the below;

Coach in Wales

FAW Educated

Born in Wales.


FAW Goalkeepers Award;

FAW First Aid Award or FAW Football Emergency Aid;

FAW Safeguarding Award.

For those coaches working outside of Wales, you can either access these qualifications with us, or you must hold the equivalent qualifications recognised by your National Football Association.

Please note; To support the alignment of Coach Education, Club Accreditation and the COMET Coach Registration process we will me moving the expiry date of our FAW Grassroots Awards. Currently our awards are valid until the 31 December, this will change on the 1 April 2020 to a new expiry date of the 31 May.

This course can no longer be purchased.